A Poem: The Sky

The Sky

The sky turns different colors at each different time,

There is a burst of vivid colors, at both dusk and dawn,

Sometimes it is blue, sometimes gray, sometimes even lime,

At night, a dark blanket coated with glitter but at morning, gone. 

There are different names for them, 

Like northern lights, sunrise, sunset, a clear day, or cloudless,

Sometimes sparkling; a shiny gem,

You can look up at the calming sky and hear silence. 

However, sometimes the sky does go into a rage, 

Stormy, rainy, roaring, are only some I can name, 

Plants reach out toward the sky, like oak, redwood, or sage, 

The sky has different emotions but is never lame. 

The sky is quite a sight to look at though not many do,

It helps us, keeps us alive with its atmosphere, 

It is helpful, and serene too,

Joy, sorrow, anger, different emotions sear. 

It will always be right here 


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