Book Review of 'Olympus at War' by Kate O'Hearn


Reborn as the Flame, Emily has saved Olympus from destruction. The Olympic flame now burns strong, and peace has been restored. But not for long...

When the gruesome Nirads begin a new invasion, Emily and her friends become entangled in the conflict as old grudges are unearthed and new enemies are discovered. And all the while, Emily yearns for her father, still a prisoner of the sinister CRU, somewhere in New York.

Join Emily astride the magnificent winged-stallion, Pegasus, as she embarks on a new flight of adventure through worlds both old and new.

Fast-paced and Captivating 
    This book will make you feel compelled to read it cover-to-cover, telling a story about the Flame of Olympus and Pegasus, and it is the second book in the series. From the moment Pegasus fell on the roof of her apartment building, she was caught in a battle to help save Olympus and its Olympians. Living on Mount Olympus with the friends she made in the previous book and Pegasus, Emily misses her father who is captured and the prisoner of a government agency back on Earth. The agency, (the CRU), kept Emily, Pegasus, her father, Diana (an Olympian, daughter of Jupiter), and her other friends captive on Governors Island. 
My favorite part of the book is when Emily breaks out of the stone that the gorgons put around her and everybody else. All the other books in the series are about the Flame of Olympus and Pegasus. Pegasus and the Flame of Olympus feel a special connection between them and sometimes, the Flame can tell what Pegasus wants to tell her by looking into his eyes. The theme of this book could probably be peace. It is a mix of Roman mythology and modern day. The story is intended for 4th through 8th grades and the number of pages for each chapter varies. This story is character-driven. This book is similar to Rick Riordan’s series’ also because they both share Roman mythology. And on the cover of all the Pegasus books, there is a review from Rick Riordan, “A winning mix of modern adventure and classic fantasy.” And I agree with my favorite author on this. On a scale of one through five, I would rate it 4.5 stars. 


- Candria

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