Book Review of 'Resistance' by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Chaya Lindner is a teenager living in Nazi-occupied Poland. Simply being Jewish places her in danger of being killed or sent to the camps. After her little sister is taken away, her younger brother disappears, and her parents all but give up hope, Chaya is determined to make a difference. Using forged papers and her fair features, Chaya becomes a courier and travels between the Jewish ghettos of Poland, smuggling food, papers, and even people.
Soon Chaya joins a resistance cell that runs raids on the Nazis' supplies. But after a mission goes terribly wrong, Chaya's network shatters. She is alone and unsure of where to go, until Esther, a member of her cell, finds her and delivers a message that chills Chaya to her core, and sends her on a journey toward an even larger uprising in the works — in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Thrilling and Moving
This story takes place in Nazi-occupied Poland during the Holocaust where the main character, a girl named Chaya Lindner lives. Being Jewish puts her in danger of being killed or sent to camps. Following the death of her little sister, the disappearance of her younger brother, and the inability to convince her parents to leave the ghetto they reside in, Chaya joins a Jewish resistance. With her blonde hair and fair complexion, she looks more like she’s Polish rather than a Jew. She uses that to her advantage, pretending to be Polish, and works to smuggle food, medical supplies, etc. into various ghettos in Poland. After a dangerous mission ending in disaster, Chaya finds herself on the run.
After a few days in hiding, Chaya finds a member of her former cell, another girl named Esther. Esther explains to her that Esther has been given another mission - to deliver an important package to a resistance cell in Krakow, and Chaya is needed to help her. Willing to do anything to help her people, Chaya agrees, and the two set off on an important but dangerous mission.
My favorite part of the book is when Chaya meets someone she thought she’d never meet again. This book is not in a series. However, the author has written other books such as ‘The False Prince’, ‘A Night Divided’, ‘Words on Fire’, etc. ‘Resistance’ is intended for ages 12-15, and is plot-driven. Each chapter is approximately 10 pages long. The theme of this book could be the meaning of resistance and how resistance is different for each person. On a scale of one through five, I would rate this book 5 stars.
- Candria
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